This week we’re back with more information on XLM (Excel 4.0) Macros, and our progress on extracting these automatically during Triage analysis. If you haven’t already read our first blogpost on this subject, you can check that out here.
As usual once we started digging into the subject we rather fell down the rabbit hole, finding a whole host of ways in which XLM macros are being leveraged maliciously. In last week’s post we covered what could be considered the more straightforward types of XLM macros and demonstrated Triage’s new extractor. Today we have released an update for this, adding support for a range of additional XLM macro-enabled Office documents.
Overall, quite a lot has been happening in the space of XLM-enabled macro documents. Read on below for examples of these files and links to relevant Triage analyses!
Latest in XLM macros
Some samples have started using encrypted Office documents, a technique that has been discussed for several years already. Primarily, these encrypted documents make static analysis tools like Yara rules harder, but after decryption it’s the same old game.
Here is an example analysis from one of the files discussed in the blogpost:
Some XLM documents have started activating on specific days or, more accurately, deactivating after the intended distribution date.
For these cases we’ve implemented a rather basic “day recovery” mechanism that automatically resolves the correct day, and thus encryption key, and extracts the formulas from there. For example -
Another feature that’s not “ideal” about this document is the fact that it
dynamically crafts the formula to be executed, but then this formula includes
a reference to the URL (for URLDownloadToFileA
) in
R1C1 notation.
In other words, the XLM parser and interpreter need to be highly aware of its
surrounding cells.
Continuing forward on that topic, more recent samples have started adding the document and cell properties (such as “amount of rows”, “amount of columns”, “font size”, etc) as input variables for the encryption key. See also the following tweet with accompanying analysis.
Our analysis on
Future Work
We’re currently looking into a couple of other, new XLM Macro capabilities employed since today and yesterday. E.g., embedding XLM macros in Office 2007+ documents.
Some IoCs
Following are a bunch of new IoCs based on public submissions to as well as our own, continuous research.
358 hxxps://rwtkoaqe[.]club/adfbr53g
355 hxxp://fcowhcwsb[.]space/erg4ewr1
326 hxxps://grpxmqnrb[.]pw/ehrj4g9g
285 hxxps://grpxmqnrb[.]pw/egrg4g3g
265 hxxps://waitupdate[.]xyz/deg34g
215 hxxp://kacper-formela[.]pl/wp-smart.php
215 hxxp://braeswoodfarmersmarket[.]com/wp-smart.php
183 hxxps://pxdgcvnsb[.]xyz/aaeg4df12
154 hxxps://ddfspwxrb[.]club/fb2g424g
150 hxxps://gfhudnjv[.]xyz/vjd7f2js
143 hxxps://veqejzkb[.]xyz/SDVe2f2fds
141 hxxps://cworld[.]top/wp-front.php
141 hxxps://assemble[.]sg/wp-front.php
136 hxxps://merystol[.]xyz/6ng688x8
136 hxxps://cdncloudtech[.]xyz/deg34g
130 hxxps://emmnebuc[.]xyz/SDVJKBsdkhv1
129 hxxps://cdncloudtech[.]xyz/bag4hy
122 hxxps://doolised[.]xyz/DSBVhsdv78f
120 hxxps://pnxkntdl[.]xyz/KJSDBViad7
111 hxxp://wrjmkdod[.]xyz/KDHBVsd7v8
99 hxxps://fbknuele[.]pw/ajt1eg4fh3a
96 hxxps://paxtontranter[.]xyz/rv24t2
95 hxxps://grundschule-manderbach[.]de/wp-content/themes/calliope/wp_data.php
95 hxxps://free-lans[.]online/wp/wp-content/themes/calliope/wp_data.php
92 hxxps://amberlessard[.]xyz/brg2sv
91 hxxps://fbknuele[.]pw/aagaeg4df12
89 hxxps://tdvomds[.]pw/12341324rfefv
89 hxxps://gameaze[.]com/wp-content/themes/wp_data.php
81 hxxps://efbzfyvsb[.]website/f2f23
73 hxxps://merystol[.]xyz/DVkjbsdv37
69 hxxps://tozcftdl[.]xyz/SDVjkhb7831r
66 hxxps://narensyndicate[.]com/wp-crun.php
66 hxxps://greentec-automation[.]com/wp-crun.php
65 hxxps://wrjmkdod[.]xyz/SDFwef2fvbbe
65 hxxps://pnxkntdl[.]xyz/KDSBVksdhv778a
62 hxxps://friendoffishing[.]com//wp-content/themes/calliope/template-parts/wp_data.php
59 hxxps://giaytore[.]com/wp-content/themes/calliope/wp-front.php
59 hxxps://amgdorie[.]online/avdv43g
56 hxxps://hxzfvomd[.]buzz/asf2f1ff
56 hxxp://caudebachthu[.]com/wp-content/themes/calliope/wp_data.php
56 hxxp://caude368[.]com/wp-content/themes/calliope/wp_data.php
55 hxxps://rosannahtacey[.]xyz/vg43
53 hxxps://ethelenecrace[.]xyz/fbb3
51 hxxps://emmnebuc[.]xyz/vbdh72F
50 hxxps://pjtcdnrd[.]pw/ckjbvkf732
50 hxxps://gdchub[.]com/wp-content/themes/chihua/wp-front.php
49 hxxps://pxdgcvnsb[.]xyz/ajt1eg4fh
49 hxxps://pjtcdnrd[.]pw/fsgbfgbfsg43
48 hxxps://gfhudnjv[.]xyz/bh6dk3an
48 hxxps://amgdorie[.]online/avdv42g
47 hxxp://tubolso[.]cl/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/white/444444.png
47 hxxp://murreeweather[.]com/wp-content/white/444444.png
47 hxxp://freespacemarketing[.]com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/white/444444.png
47 hxxp://batilservice[.]xyz/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/white/444444.png
45 hxxps://tdvomds[.]pw/fgwg24g24g
42 hxxps://friendoffishing[.]com/wp-content/themes/calliope/template-parts/wp_data.php
36 hxxps://uenoeakd[.]site/grwrg24g2g
35 hxxps://narensyndicate[.]com/wp-cran.php
35 hxxps://greentec-automation[.]com/wp-cran.php
35 hxxps://emmnebuc[.]xyz/DSKVJBdsj2
29 hxxp://209[.]141.54.161/crypt.dll
26 hxxp://uniluisgpaez[.]
26 hxxps://wgyafqtc[.]online/fgwg24g24g
26 hxxp://samphaopet[.]com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/idle/111111.png
26 hxxp://icietdemain[.]fr/contents/2020/02/idle/222222.png
26 hxxp://careers[.]
19 hxxp://clarityupstate[.]com/b.ocx
15 hxxps://studyshine[.]in/wp-cryn.php
15 hxxps://gameaze[.]com//wp-content/themes/wp_data.php
15 hxxps://arturkauf[.]pl/wp-cryn.php
14 hxxps://flickkon[.]com//wp-content/themes/calliope/wp-front.php
14 hxxps://flashretrieval[.]com/wp-content/themes/calliope/wp-front.php
14 hxxp://march262020[.]club/files/bot.dll
14 hxxp://lorrainehomeconsulting[.]com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/trusty/187213.png
14 hxxp://g2creditsolutions[.]com/trusty/444444.png
12 hxxps://tdvomds[.]pw/1451345341fff
10 hxxps://gartnerkvartalet[.]no/wp-content/themes/calliope/wp-front.php
10 hxxps://assemble[.]sg/wp-frunt.php
9 hxxps://orruucsl[.]xyz/fdgareg34g
9 hxxps://gdchub[.]com//wp-content/themes/chihua/wp-front.php
7 hxxp://gengrasjeepram[.]com/sv.exe
6 hxxp://march262020[.]com/files/april8.dll
5 hxxps://wrjmkdod[.]xyz/vdjfvfs7871f
5 hxxps://doolised[.]xyz/SDVJbsldkcvg1
3 hxxps://doolised[.]xyz/test
3 hxxp://209[.]141.54.161/files/crypt.dll
2 hxxp://wmwifbajxxbcxmucxmlc[.]com/files/april14.dll
2 hxxps://wgyafqtc[.]online/sgfbsb4
1 hxxps://virtualworkplace[.]online
1 hxxps://nonnewspaper[.]com/bot.dll
1 hxxps://merystol[.]xyz/qY3DRY3N
1 hxxp://rilaer[.]com/IfAmGZIJjbwzvKNTxSPM/ixcxmzcvqi.exe
1 hxxp://fikima[.]com/axel.exe
1 hxxp://fibercemper[.]com/wild.exe
1 hxxp://209[.]141.54.161/crypt18.dll
Every day we’re seeing more and newer XLM document variants being released and we’re making sure to properly handle and detonate all of those in Triage.
We’re doing our very best to be on top of all of these techniques and to show you the results in a high-level manner. After all, it is our goal with Hatching Triage to make automated malware analysis easy, simple, and affordable to use.