Triage Thursday

Ep. 131: Triage Thursday


Happy Triage Thursday! It’s a beautiful day to share some cool updates with you. Our team has been working hard to make malware hunting a breeze. We want you to know that we have always got your back when it comes to fighting malware. We’re constantly adding new updates to make sure you stay protected, so be sure to check in with us every week on Thursday for the latest updates!

Now, let’s explore what we have for you this week!

New Families This Week

Updates for Existing Families

Updates for Existing Behavioral Signatures

If you have any feedback, questions, or issues about Triage feel free to reach out to us any time - we do our best to respond to all feedback but even if we can’t get back to you straight away your files will go into our list of things to review and help us prioritize tasks.

You can find us directly through the website, or using the Feedback option on an analysis report page.

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